Once in awhile we like to go “off the beaten path,” and lighten things up here at Women in Crime Ink. Our contributors occasionally suffer the extreme doldrums of writing about human misery, innocent victims, and societal garbage to the point that we desperately search somewhere for a laugh—anywhere. This is when we like to bring in a guest poster to take us away from the world of crime and focus our attention on something that doesn’t require a legal document or a courtroom.
Monday, guest posting for Women in Crime Ink will be humorist, author, and social critic Brandon Mendelson. Brandon (pictured above) has contributed to sites such as The Huffington Post, CNN, Forbes, Mashable, and countless others. He was previously a new media director for a syndicated ABC television show and a syndicated college survival columnist with CBS. Brandon has been quoted and featured in Newsweek, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Psychology Today, Smart Money Magazine, and other national outlets.
Brandon will give us a break down on the pros and cons of social media, but in his usual humorous, sarcastic, and blunt style. His Twitter page puts the famed, “S!*t My Dad Says,” to shame. You might consider him somewhat of a pro in dealing with social media. With previously one million followers on Twitter, he’ll explain how he got there, why he’s dropped to the dismal number of 800,000, and what is really the true benefit of social media.
He should know; his quest and adventure through Twitter landed him a book deal through St. Martin’s Press. His book, Social Media is Bullshit, debuts April 2012. His Twitter page simply can’t be ignored. But, if you missed his past hilarious Tweets, don’t fret. In June 2011, the e-book, “Poorly Thought Out Grammatical Holocausts, Volume I,” will be available, promising to contain many “never-before read Tweets” from Brandon’s two accounts.
Whether you’re a blogger, blog reader, social media addict, or just looking to put a smile on your face, make sure you come back tomorrow. Most importantly, bring your sense of humor. And don’t worry; we’ll be back to the doldrums on Tuesday.
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